When completing a purchase or use, you give us certain information voluntarily. This information includes but not limited to your name, email address, physical and mailing address, phone number, age, and any other information you give us. When completing a purchase, we collect payment and contact information, including details of what your purchased. If you purchase or inquiry for services for someone else, we collect their delivery and contact details.
The information you provide and the information that is collected is used solely to provide services. The information is used to complete deliveries for desired purchases and provide professional hair and makeup services. The information collected is not released to a third party for any reason. The information does not leave MeenQueens database at any moment.
The only information shared with third party social network forums are client approved images. All clients are required to sign the social media clause on the contract before any images can be released to a social network/forum. These images are used solely for marketing purposes with the intent to showcase our portfolio.